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TWOY CNY 2023 《东方之美》

宋瓷裙 Song Ci Dress

ong Ci dress is inspired by Chinese ceramics of the Song Dynasty (960–1279) constitute perhaps the foremost expression of ceramic art.

Song aesthetic sophistication was matched by an incredible inventiveness, which led to a variety of classic wares.

Our main ideas are the ceramics of Ru (汝) & Ge (哥), two well-known court-favored kilns during Song Dynasty.

The dress shape was inspired by Ge (哥) kiln's porcelain, while the sleeve scallop shape was influenced by Ru (汝) kiln's ceramic flower petal bow.

We used the plain tweed fabric in olive green to represent the texture of ceramics as the glazes tend to be monochromatic and subtle, a fluid, integral part of the form of the vessel they cover, with a depth of color and texture that invites the spectator to both touch and contemplate.

气韵东方,融合之美 身上这份对文化美学的热忱与执着,更体现设计师的"传承"二字的重量。

灵感来自宋代(960-1279)的中国陶瓷,是陶瓷艺术最重要的表达形式。 宋代人的审美精巧与令人难以置信的创造力,而产生了各种经典的瓷器。

陶瓷裙的细节设计,主要灵感来自两个宋代著名的宫廷御窑分别为 汝窟 和 哥窟。


花瓶式的花苞裙摆造型灵感来自哥窑瓶, 最适合梨型身材,穿出自己的独特味道。


喜欢中式服装的人,往往都是有故事的人。 正因为他们经历了生活风雨的洗礼,才知道什么是永恒。 除了新年可穿之外,无论出入职场/ 开会/约会等场合都能诠释新时代女性智慧底蕴的精致形象。

汉 Han

Han is inspired by Hanfu which is defined as a type of dress from any era when the Han Chinese ruled—is seen in China as a more authentic form of historical clothing.

The top was inspired by a vest design from the Southern Song Dynasty.

It could be either a long or short version. Normally, it has side slits and sleeveless.

Garment collars in Hanfu are diverse including jiaoling = cross-collars, overlapping collars

Not just for the Chinese New Year. Han is suitable for meetings, dates, and other occasions, kindly refer our mix & match picture reference.

锐利的优雅,东方调的恬静。 诗意与理性的摩登现代风格。


首先,领口我们用交领;是传统汉服延续使用最久的领型。 就有如现代技艺感与民族感相融。

朱砂色在散发气场,不娇柔造作, 拥有别样格调与气质,一眼万年。 颜色采用橘红色,是来自唐-永秦公主壁画的上衣作为主要颜色的灵感。

除此之外,上衣的版型来自南宋的背心,可长可短,主打无袖,开衩明显。 就这样的把这些元素混合一起成为 《汉》衣。 汉服领型,清雅大方,肩部挺,呈现现代直角造型。 古典意象的服饰虽蕴含着复杂的历史, 而呈现出的却是更为可贵的自然纯朴气息。

兰花裙 Cymbidium Dress

The dress is inspired by Chinese cymbidium, which symbolizes elegance, beauty, and nobility.

This is a mix with western and Chinese clothing design. Puff sleeves with cuff and shirring details were trendy in the 1930s. So we take these as a design element

The bow tie was inspired by a Chinese cymbidium's leaf, while the front neck opening's shape was inspired by the flower's petals.

Made from a very smooth, light silk fabric , to make an unforgettable entrance in the Cymbidium Dress.

兰离玻,兰有香,松枝拂之松风长。 兰花裙灵感来自与中国兰花,寓意高贵,典雅与美好~

这是一件温柔与气质并存的中式连衣裙. 以30年代西方女性流行的衬衫缩折细节与泡泡袖作为元素之一 前领开洞设计是以兰花花瓣的轮廓做为灵感,蝴蝶结的绑带就有如兰花。

新年穿兰花裙不怕热之外,让人偷瞄你的目光, 也做个自己独特的韵味。 触感丝滑 有如湖水的涟漪 好的真丝就是那种在你身上轻轻划过 又让你觉得非常亲肤的存在~

反潮流是带点古典情怀的 浓郁的古典奢华紫兰色,扑面而来的古典气息 像油画一样, 光影在面料上折射出错落的柔和感

平步青云 / 恭喜发财

Qin Yun was inspired by a vest from Qing dynasty. We select the wide shoulder design as an element. It is a symbol of power and authority.

The sloping shoulders design inspired by a ceramic three-legged vessel It used for cooking with cord markings on the outside and hollow legs during the early Western Zhou Dynasty

一步登天,青云直至上。 象征工作步步高升,事业很快升上的境界。

平步青云设计来自古代的背心,特点于肩旁上的阔肩,是一种权威与力量的象征。 而肩旁倾斜的设计来自于西周早期的青铜鬲,是古时候的盛食器。 采用铜绿色的提花面料,更显得高贵典雅

恭喜发财,枣红色就是新年的气氛!站在那边就是美!红红火火的,长辈一定会喜欢! 这就是你一直寻找的新中式旗袍套装 改良旗袍套装, 真的一下子领略到东方美

迎春花 Ying Chuen Fa

Winter Jasmine The flower's blossoming peaks right after winter, which is why it is also named Ying chun (迎春) in Chinese which means "the flower that welcomes Spring". a front dart design is inspired by winter Jasmine’s petal detail.

Peplum design was inspired by the emperor used a yellow umbrella when he traveled, indicating "shade the people".


迎春花-“东风第一枝”,第一个向人们送来春天的消息。 看大盘迎春花开就看到了春的希望。 前胸设计灵感来自迎春花的花瓣型

下摆设计灵感来自于皇帝出巡时撑的“黄罗盖伞 ”也就是伞。 最初是“庇荫百姓“的寓意。

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